We had a lovely time of Fellowship this afternoon with Dr. Matthew and Vinita.
The group was small but cordial. We had hoped for a number of other doctors with their families, but last minute engagements and health issues cropped up for a number of them. There were more mobile calls with apologies than door-bell rings.
We were, however, glad to make some new friends. Besides our gracious hosts of Drs. Mthew and Vinita, Sheba and I met Dr. Sheryl Snethilnathan who is a Psychiatrist and Dr. Leeja Joseph, a physician and intensivist.
The conversation revolved around the question of how our faith affected our practice. Each of us was working in a different setting, but have found ways of integrating our faith with medical work. Dr. Matthew brought a focus to the discussion with a summary presentation of the 'Saline Solution' - a 2 day training he attended in Bangalore about how Christian Doctors can be salt and light in their work.
A one of the comments from Dr. Matthew: Salt is not seen - but tasted and it enhances the dish. Our sharing about Christ is the light part - visible, but our discipleship and lived-out lives of obedience to him is the salt - which enhances the good news.
Dr. Matthew also talked about 5 basic questions that we can ask ourselves about our work - the answers to which can help us become more "salty" in what we do! We would very much like a 2 day training here in Mumbai for doctors and health leaders - and Dr. Matthew is quite willing to take the lead in conducting the seminar here - the challenge now is to find a date and venue!
The fellowship meeting also served as a continuation of the Greater Mumbai EMFI Fellowship. We realise again the value of meeting up to encourage and spur each other on to love and good deeds. There are so many Christian medicos who can benefit so much from understanding their work as a calling - and seeing that Jesus does not only have something to do with our medical work - rather He has everything to do with it.
We broke up after prayer with a desire to meet regularly for fellowship. One suggestion would be to invite Doctors who have made decisions for God to share their stories. Having folks with real testimonies can be such a tremendous influence on others!
Operating as the EMFI Greater Mumbai Fellowship we decided that we will see if we can organise 1 or 2 events a year which would build up Christian doctors - and reach out to those who are not followers of Jesus (yet). Besides the above mentioned Saline Solution seminar, suggestions included having a Life-revision Seminar with Dr. KO John from Christian Family Hospital - Oddanchataram (TN) or having a marriage-enrichment time for Drs. and their spouses (non-medical husbands included!). We also briefly talked about the need for medical students in Mumbai to meet for fellowship and agreed to pray for practical steps forward to build up small groups in different medical colleges.
The EMFI national conference is also just around the corner. Entitled: The Christain Doctor in a Fast Changing World promises to be a treat. It is being held from the 2nd evening to the 5th of October in Gurgaon. Any enquiries can go to: emfihq@gmail.com
A short prayer by Dr. Matthew ended our time together - for now at least. It had all gone too quickly - and we hope to meet again.
The group was small but cordial. We had hoped for a number of other doctors with their families, but last minute engagements and health issues cropped up for a number of them. There were more mobile calls with apologies than door-bell rings.
We were, however, glad to make some new friends. Besides our gracious hosts of Drs. Mthew and Vinita, Sheba and I met Dr. Sheryl Snethilnathan who is a Psychiatrist and Dr. Leeja Joseph, a physician and intensivist.
The conversation revolved around the question of how our faith affected our practice. Each of us was working in a different setting, but have found ways of integrating our faith with medical work. Dr. Matthew brought a focus to the discussion with a summary presentation of the 'Saline Solution' - a 2 day training he attended in Bangalore about how Christian Doctors can be salt and light in their work.
A one of the comments from Dr. Matthew: Salt is not seen - but tasted and it enhances the dish. Our sharing about Christ is the light part - visible, but our discipleship and lived-out lives of obedience to him is the salt - which enhances the good news.
Dr. Matthew also talked about 5 basic questions that we can ask ourselves about our work - the answers to which can help us become more "salty" in what we do! We would very much like a 2 day training here in Mumbai for doctors and health leaders - and Dr. Matthew is quite willing to take the lead in conducting the seminar here - the challenge now is to find a date and venue!
The fellowship meeting also served as a continuation of the Greater Mumbai EMFI Fellowship. We realise again the value of meeting up to encourage and spur each other on to love and good deeds. There are so many Christian medicos who can benefit so much from understanding their work as a calling - and seeing that Jesus does not only have something to do with our medical work - rather He has everything to do with it.
We broke up after prayer with a desire to meet regularly for fellowship. One suggestion would be to invite Doctors who have made decisions for God to share their stories. Having folks with real testimonies can be such a tremendous influence on others!
Operating as the EMFI Greater Mumbai Fellowship we decided that we will see if we can organise 1 or 2 events a year which would build up Christian doctors - and reach out to those who are not followers of Jesus (yet). Besides the above mentioned Saline Solution seminar, suggestions included having a Life-revision Seminar with Dr. KO John from Christian Family Hospital - Oddanchataram (TN) or having a marriage-enrichment time for Drs. and their spouses (non-medical husbands included!). We also briefly talked about the need for medical students in Mumbai to meet for fellowship and agreed to pray for practical steps forward to build up small groups in different medical colleges.
The EMFI national conference is also just around the corner. Entitled: The Christain Doctor in a Fast Changing World promises to be a treat. It is being held from the 2nd evening to the 5th of October in Gurgaon. Any enquiries can go to: emfihq@gmail.com
A short prayer by Dr. Matthew ended our time together - for now at least. It had all gone too quickly - and we hope to meet again.
good to read about what god can do in each of your lives as well as the patients you meet may god bless you all
sophia carvalho
(Bsc Nurse)
Mumbai tel No 29666990
Pray and Participate
We cordially invite Christian Medical/Dental Students and Doctors for this event to be held at
Grace Bible College, Daya Vihar
(Near Gurgaon - National Capital Region New Delhi)
Dates: Thursday 2nd to Sunday 5th Oct, 2008
Main Resource People:
Dr. Chris Steyn - coordinator of HCF International
Dr. Chris Gnanakan - Counsellor SAIACS
Dr. Raju Abraham (Kachuwa Mission Hospital EHA UP)
Students: Rs. 100/-
Graduate: Rs. 200/-
Accommodation & Food
Graduate & PGs Single – Rs.1500/-
Non-Medical Spouse – Rs.1000/-
Intern – Rs.900/-
Student – Rs.600/-
Register yourself By giving your Details and Arrival Departure plans
Pick-up & Drop from New Delhi Station Rs.200/- per head
Contact: Michael, New Delhi. 9868167611 & 011-26510306
Register with
Dr. Ashok Chacko, Gen Sec, EMFI,
No-9, Varadarajulu St, 4th Floor Rainbow Vikas,
Egmore, Chennai – 600008 (044-28361507, 9444381489, 90, 91, 92)
Michael Sundersingh
Pastoral Care Coordinator EMFI
New Delhi
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